Member-only story
Right and Wrong Do Not Exist
The concept of right and wrong is ubiquitous. Our world is largely divided into two distinct categories; good or bad, black or white, right or wrong. We go through our days, categorizing every action into two classes. Every activity, both of ours and our neighbors’ is seen through the prism of this categorization. The concept of right and wrong is so widespread that even novel additions to our societies such as our technologies are incorporated into society only after they pass the ultimate test; the test of right and wrong. Only after a new invention has been deemed right can we go ahead and accept it in our lives.
Seeing how quotidian the concept of right and wrong is, one would be forgiven for assuming that the definition of the concept should be as familiar as the concept is. It would be completely logical to assume that since our whole world is predicated on the chiral twin of right and wrong, and since the duo is popular, then everybody should have a good grasp of what right and wrong means. For a brief moment however, let us put assumptions aside in order to have the leeway to ask the question; what is right, and what is wrong?
This question sounds like an easy one, one whose answer should reside at the fingertips of every citizen who does as little as give it a thought. But is it really…